
Our collection is constantly growing and, as tools are checked out regularly, not all tools are currently available.

To search our database of tools online and see what is available for check out click here!

Looking to Donate Your Tools?

We DO NOT take walk-in tool donations and the library shelf space is constrained. In general we are also striving to offer tools that could be loaded into a passenger car, but will try to be flexible, depending on what the offered item is (provided we have space).

If you need to divest yourself of a tool or building supplies today, we recommend contacting:

If you have something that is unusual and tool related, that you want to know if we can take, please contact: donations at for an appointment. As with other tool libraries in town, we may sell items that end up as excess inventory in order to add a tool we don't have, or is in greater demand.

Tool donations we can NOT take:

Tools that have been requested:

Thanks for thinking of us!