2/25/2025 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB,Dennis,Marcel,Stu
- Virginia suggested applying for a PCEF mini grant, Jason will apply by April 1.
- Dennis is stopping by James Recycling, will hand off contact info for Jason to discuss mutual interests (space/lease/recycling).
- All Tool Library Meeting 6:30pm, March 11th at EPTL, discuss tool sale.
- Neighborhood House has construction going on their new location into next year, so that is the earliest they may have space in their lot.
- Tool Librarian now has an e-sign option, that we haven't turned on. Outside of legality, it may be more difficult for us to verify signing on-site. TBD.
- Our application for the 4imprint non-profit swag grant was turned down, but we can do a one-time buy with 15% discount.
- Jason will continue to try to re-org the rack space in the container to be easier to access stuff.
- Stu is interested in possibly volunteering, suggested he sign up and stop by on a Saturday.
1/28/2025 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB,Chuck,Dennis,Virginia
- Renewed current location with PBOT through 2/21/2026.
- Received $1K grant from William and Emmy Lawrence Family Fund.
- Looking to engage more volunteers, regular users are worth asking.
- New logo up on website, and on 10'x3' vinyl banner hung on container when open.
- Winter weather has meant that the wireless AP and laptop batteries are not working below/at freezing, need to plug in and charge elsewhere.
- Chuck mentioned possibly using a clear vinyl strip curtain to cover the container door when open to allow using a heater inside.
- May 17th have 1 year anniversary event (at tool library, during regular hours), pick up swag from 4imprint and BPS fundraising grant.
- Dennis suggested he may have a scroll saw to contribute.
- Looking for volunteers to store ie. 3rd copy of some tools to save space.
- We added a second Ryobi 18v battery and charger to get more use out of the current cordless tools.
- City of Portland is looking to sell the Kenton Firehouse (NPTL) Change.org petition/info
11/26/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB,Chuck
- Will be closed December 28th, will add to the website after this weekend
- Added Bluesky account for announcements, such as new tools.
- Winter prep, double check that the pressure washers are drained, including the hoses, will add a propane heater for staff use.
- We will want to store 2nd/3rd copies of tools that don't get a lot of use at volunteers homes (ie. second bench grinder, odd shovels).
- Chuck will ask about the Methodist Church off Taylor's Ferry, and also about the possiblity of presenting to his neighborhood association.
- Takeaway from the Maplewood NA meeting was the possibility of placing a container in the lot of the upcoming Neighborhood House Pantry on Barbur.
- Jason has hired a graphic designer to come up with a new logo so we can move forward with banners and swag.
- No December meeting due to the holidays, will meet again at the end of January.
10/29/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB,Dennis,Virginia,Kim,Marcel
- We still have no new location suggestions, likely to renew w/PBOT at current location for at least 6 more months in January
- The two sets of drawers currently in the library can be labeled. The drawers Jason is building (part of the Metro grant) can absorb other small tools.
- Winter weather discussion - we will likely close in freezing rain conditions. Dennis has a roll of outdoor carpet we could try on the floor to prevent slipping (rain/snow).
- Kim suggested we should try to level the container, especially since it looks like we'll be there into next year.
- Kim also suggested vinyl banners as signs. Jason will look into (also as part of contracting a graphics design).
- Virginia suggested looking for tools at ReStore. She also said she would check with her neighborhood association about time for a tool library brief.
- Marcel suggested oil-based markers for making more legible numbers on tools.
- www.portlandtoolibraries.com set up as an aggregator website for all Portland tool libraries.
- Jason attended https://www.aaah.org/fair last Saturday to hand out materials on all Portland tool libraries.
- Jason dropped off a stack of the tri-folds at the Capitol Hill Lib.
9/24/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB,Chuck,Dennis,Guests
- Fiscal sponsorship agreement signed and posted
- Chuck picked up another power washer and will bring it down on Saturday
- Jason will not be available 10/12, Chuck and Denis will cover, but we'll see if others can also be available
- Starting review of cold-weather tool storage, batteries and power washers probably are a concern in below freezing temperatures
- Mike was looking for assistance, so I suggested we would collect handyman references at the library
- Now have one user with tools over 3 weeks due, send an email, will move on to call then visit
- Tool Sale will likely be pushed to Spring, will collect tools until then
8/27/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB
- Multnomah county library in Hillsdale open again, Jason dropped off tri-folds to post.
- Chuck reported that the Homelite chainsaw and B&D lawnmower would not be repairable, so added both back to the list of tool requests.
- Jason applied for small Metro Reuse/Repair grant, $100 to build/buy drawers for small items, $300 for repair supplies. Will notify us if awarded in the fall.
- PDX Tool Library Alliance Convention (8/20) notes:
- NEPTL has a business card with NEPTL info on front and lists other tool libraries on the back.
- Next in-person meeting March 11th, 6:30pm at EastPortlandTL.
- Tool sale after October 26th (last collection date) possibly Black Friday, virtual meeting 7pm, September 24th to discuss. We can pick through tools prior to sale.
- Tabling at African American Alliance for Homeownership Fair https://www.aaah.org/fair October 26th 10-3 DoubleTree 1000 NE Multnomah.
- Non-profit freebie: https://onebyone.4imprint.com/ $500 worth of product.
- Parr printed NEPTL carpenter pencils with NEPTL info on one side.
7/30/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Chuck, Virginia
- Suggested location PDX-Church.com, 125 SW Miles St. May already be closed, but Jason will look into.
- Insurance covered via Neighborhoods West/NW through end of June 2025.
- Requested tools: lawnmower, fencing stapler, lawn roller.
- Several tool donations in the last month, more to come.
- Coverage for 8/24 will be Chuck, Debbie, Marcel and Kim.
- Chuck will ask NET for volunteers, Jason asked Debbie to add an item to August SW Trails agenda for volunteers, too.
- New Tool Librarian pop up for tool parts and check out/in notes will be enabled next week when Jason is around.
- It is likely we can make use of Google Calendar for volunteer shifts, but so far a bit rough.
- Jason will get a QR code set up to direct to SW Trails PayPal as an option for members without cash.
- Virginia will take some of the tri-folds to the Hillsdale farmers market.
- Chuck suggested additional temporary (sandwich board) signs to help cars enter and exit.
6/25/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Chuck, (and Zoom attendee, when connection worked)
- First month open: about 4 people a week average tool loans, some renewals, most have contributed a suggested donation.
- Popular tools have been: string trimmer, leaf blower, circular saws, sawzalls, hammer drills. Most requested to purchase: power washer.
- Ran a scan of the wireless channels in the meeting room at the Watershed, and there is a lot of overlap, which is why connectivity has not been good. Will express that, and see if Personal Telco could help - and maybe set up an external AP for the library.
- If that is not an option, we'll pick up an AP with a SIM that can be used directly at the library so we are not relying on a phone.
- SW Trails has insurance quotes for the library (required by PBOT for lease) will evaluate Thursday.
- We should also be able to complete the discussion on using SW Trails accounting for donations and tool purchases - discussion on Thursday as well.
- We had a dropin concerned about the tool library location, and mostly the graffiti. It was repainted last time within 2 days of graffiti appearing.
- Hillsdalenewspdx.com news article on the library was posted a week ago.
- Tool Librarian maintenance tonight at 7pm, should be back in the morning.
- Will have a volunteering calendar set up, probably shared Google Calendar.
- Sent email to ABoy about sponsorship opportunity, but did not hear back.
5/28/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Chuck
- Soft opening went well, 4 people borrowed tools, another 7 stopped by and another 50 registered interest in membership.
- Tools requested, but not available, included the electric chainsaw (will be there next Saturday), lawnmower and multi-ladder.
- Sent note to Neighborhoods West/NW about opening, Darlene said she would add us to their calendar.
- BPS distributes funds of up to $5K for sustainablity events and fundraising.
- Chuck picked up a new Ryobi battery and was able to test many of the tools donated by Virginia as working (though some are verified to not work).
- Tri-fold pamphlets will be ready for next Saturday.
- Jason will reach out to the Watershed building about power and network.
4/30/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Jude
- Date set for soft open: May 25th 9am
- Jason will likely try to tackle graffiti May 12/11 if dry, then will send out mail for May 19/18 for a half-day work party to finish tools and bins.
- Tri-fold and website waiting for pictures, which we'll hopefully be able to take prior to opening. Tri-fold will mostly be for tabling other events, will add electronic copy to the website as soon as complete.
- Accepted first donation of outdoor tools, another offer for power tools to look at after opening, and a request for a power washer.
- Electric Tool Fair that was to happen on June 2nd has been canceled.
- Contacted by Hillsdale News and Bureau of Planning and Sustainability for articles and map inclusion.
- Membership page live in Tool Librarian. That just collects initial data (name/address, maybe DL#) to enable faster additions when the new member shows up.
- While we mostly planned power tools to fill the bins initially to save space, we should still have 2-3 bins that have the bits, blades and common hand tools. Also consumables (mostly belts, but also free/$ safety glasses).
- Jason will try to talk with Neighborhood Associations about the library in Jun/July. Maybe we do a short canned video to handoff?
- We'll try to limit "staff" cars when open to 1, and Denis and Jason agreed they could walk down. Also will try to have coffee/donuts for the opening.
- Jude joined via Zoom, and is in South Waterfront. Looking for indoor/outdoor tools, but also mentioned has used a sewing machine from Green Lents tool library in the past.
- Jude also mentioned that they may have friends willing to paint the container with artwork. I suggested we could place exterior plywood against the rental container on at least one side to make something like that happen.
3/26/2024 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis, MichaelR
- PBOT indicated the current container location blocks egress sight lines, suggestion is likely to move to North slope, but we need PBOT to visit as there is a water line there, too.
- One side of shelving completed last Saturday, will do the other side this coming Saturday 8-Noon. Also will tie down shelves, as we expect the container to move.
- All Tool Library news: map will be in Multnomah County Libraries and BPS news letter.
- Need to get tools labeled and photographed in Tool Librarian, purchase of other bins will wait until we have an opening date.
- Michael noted a number of ways to get our information out (Hillsdale NA, Community Foundation, NextDoor, Facebook), but for sure June 2nd Electric Tool Fair info event at Reike/Farmer's Market.
- Discussion about ways to get additional signage on container, Michael suggested bar straddling outside top of container w/signs on one or both sides hanging down.
- Michael may have another contact at Vermont Hills UMC, where it may be possible to put a container in the lower lot.
- Micheal's suggestions for additional tools: electric pole saw, sliding compound miter saw, scaffolding.
2/27/2024 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis, Andrea, Virginia
- PBOT lease signed, location paid through January 2025.
- Container rental will be arranged after in-person PBOT site survey Friday 8am.
- Andrea mentioned Onpoint grant possibility, Jason will look into.
- Andrea may have a contact willing to at least look at enhancing the website.
- Jason will add all powertools in Tool Librarian he intends to donate, whether they end up in the container to start with or not. We'll track in-person requests for tools we don't have on paper to start with.
- Some non-powered tools will also be inventoried: hand winch, specialty drill bits, measuring wheel
- Due to limited space we likely won't have common hand tools (hammer, short tape measure, level) or really large tools (ladders, wheelbarrows) but we'll deal with donations on a case-by-case basis.
- Propose shelving with standardized 2' deep bins, covers not needed, shallow enough to be at most 2 tools deep. Racks floor to ceiling on both sides of the container, and end as 20' container doesn't merit opening both ends. We do need a larger tool free shelf which may work on far end.
- Large/heavy tools that need a space: table saw, compressor, hand cart, tile saw, air hoses/large cords.
- May get some volunteers from Woodworker's Guild and NET teams, but will be an important outreach need as soon as the container is in place.
- Targeting an end of March opening, provided: container is placed, shelving installed, tools inventoried and volunteers available.
- Jason will contact The Watershed building about having our meetings there, as well as possibility of using electrical/net on Saturdays, as we will be neighbors.
- Brief discussion about swiping NEPTL equity statement, too.
- All Portland Tool Library Meeting 2/25
- Discussion about expanding volunteer staffing pool and various skills desired.
- Discussion about expanding outreach to more diverse populations, ie. multi-lingual documentation.
- Discussion about communication channels to volunteers, members and non-members.
- Suggested donations, late fees are still important sources of funding. If you have an on-site cash donation box be sure to anchor it...
- Suggestion to have cross-library committees on common issues.
1/23/2024 Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Seth
- Storm delay in signing PBOT lease, hope to get our end done next week
- Next monthly meeting likely in Hillsdale Library, pending room availability
- All Portland Tool Library Meeting 1/15
- Map of service areas for all libraries and outreach at events, such as real estate conferences
- Group library listing in Willamette Week Volunteer Guide
- SEPTL working with volunteering portion of Tool Librarian
- Ask local hardware stores about one-time discount coupons for volunteers
- Rockwood and Industrial Arts tool libraries
- How-To videos for tool use and QR codes at www.tools.greenlents.org
- Shared workshop (Repair PDX will be adjacent to NEPTL), insurance and legal needs
- Grants, can we have FEMA/PBEM grant funds distributed to all libraries?
11/28/2023 Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck
- Forwarded Certificate of Insurance to PBOT for approval
- Chuck reported that West Portland UMC is looking to close their doors in June, will ask if they would rent space to us
- No December meeting, will schedule meeting earlier in January if lease signed with PBOT, otherwise 4th Tuesday in January
10/24/2023 Lucky Lab SW / Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Virginia
- Insurance (tied with SW Trails) expected to be completed in November.
- May have a lead on a contact for a church parking lot in Hayhurst.
- Haven't had a chance to fill in more of Tool Librarian, but will get pictures soon.
- Meetings over the next two months will be Zoom only, due to holidays.
9/26/2023 Lucky Lab SW / Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis, Boone, Claudia
- In-person meeting, had Zoom up as well, but did not see any attendees - hopefully not a technical issue for anyone.
- Bertha Viaduct - PBOT concerned that SWPTL should be listed on insurance COI and a signatory to the lease. Still trying to convince them that we are not a stand-alone organization today, SW Trails is that signatory.
- PP&R - informed of rates for Multnomah Arts Center, further out of our reach than before. Informed we did not qualify for a partner agreement. Gabriel Park has resurfaced in discussions, but no near-term option.
- Tool Librarian - Chuck and Dennis were set up with logins to our instance. Jason added one tool photo, and can see where much brighter lighting is needed for those.
- Signage - Virginia has a sandwich board sign ready. Jason has various paper signage that could be weatherized with either plastic sheet or polyurethane. Also wood initials that can be attached to the container.
- Grants - added timelines for grants we'll be looking at on the website, Jason will attend information session on first one in October.
- Outreach - challenge to include NW via NextDoor as events can be local neighborhoods or the whole city. We'll publish to quadrant newsletters when the container is ready. Social media coverage will be a challenge.
- Boone and Claudia dropped in and mentioned they have a lot of tools they may want to make available via the library. Orchard ladders might be something they would look for from a tool library.
8/22/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck
- Tool Librarian initial setup completed, Jason can create admin accounts and will be entering his tools (location "Kanan")
- Jason sent funds for additional insurance requirement to Rose City and EPN working on the COI
- Liability waiver text updated with location, will have lawyer review
- Assess and apply for applicable grants (FEMA/Metro NW?)
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested OR alternate day of week at Sasquatch
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
7/25/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Virginia
- PBOT lease agreement amended to remove parking requirements, lot will be secured by a double lock when we are not open
- Virginia is a notary, and can notarize the signing of the PBOT lease, she will also look into sandwich board signage for the library
- Jason sent funds for additional insurance requirement to Rose City, EPN needs to approve amending the COI
- Liability waiver text updated with location, will have lawyer review
- Re-opening discussion on Tool Librarian as inventory software. Supports location, as we will have tool overflow in Jason's garage
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
6/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis
- Covered concerning items in PBOT lease agreement, primarily out of hours parking and whether we need city signage if we don't allow parking when not open
- Have not heard back on whether we can still be covered by city insurance due to new requirements in lease. Contacted non-profit insurance provider, this is not an option unless we are our own stand-alone 501c3
- Discussed financial sponsorship with SW Trails, primarily waiting on closing loop on insurance coverage
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
- Will put together agenda for next meeting (hadn't been doing so when the location was still in flux)
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
5/23/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- We have received the lease agreement for the Bertha Viaduct location from PBOT, will discuss with SW Trails
- We now know that the container is required to be 5' from all utilities as well as the overpass, so very limited opportunity for placement
- Also a good possibility that we will not be able to drop directly off of the skid loader where we want it (if it ends up perpendicular to Bertha), so would need to be creative in changing orientation
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
- Will put together agenda for next meeting (hadn't been doing so when the location was still in flux)
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
4/25/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB
- New West-side Watershed coordinator made contact to discuss the possibility of sharing a space (when we have one up and running) for their tools
- PBOT is still waiting for water line locate at Bertha site, no timeline
- We now know that the container is required to be 5' from all utilities as well as the overpass, so very limited opportunity for placement
- Also a good possibility that we will not be able to drop directly off of the skid loader where we want it (if it ends up perpendicular to Bertha), so would need to be creative in changing orientation
- Restart discussion with SW Trails on financial sponsorship
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
- Will put together agenda for next meeting (hadn't been doing so when the location was still in flux)
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
3/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Stephen
- PBOT is expected to have final approval of Bertha site at the end of March
- Restart discussion with SW Trails on financial sponsorship
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
- Will put together agenda for next meeting (hadn't been doing so when the location was still in flux)
- Next monthly meeting (and/or subsequent meetings) may be in person, Lucky Lab SW was suggested
- Will send out status to the mailing list for PBOT work/container date
2/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB
- Meet with PBOT 1/25 to discuss Bertha site requirements, will review internally for container placement
- Budget adjusted for likely rental costs
- Restart discussion with SW Trails on financial sponsorship
- Assess and apply for applicable grants
1/24/2023 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Virginia
- Meeting with PBOT 1/25 to discuss Bertha site requirements
- Chuck had proposed a construction trailer may be available for use as the tool library
- Still interest from Neighborhoods Northwest in finding hosting space or sponsorship
12/13/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Chuck, Virginia, Karen
- Have PBOT commit to schedule January 3
- East Portland Neighborhood Association sent Certificate of Insurance to PBOT November 21st
- Meeting with Neighborhoods Northwest on possible affiliation
- Question about online tool reservation, possible, consideration is also having inventory for those that just want to drop in
- Will there be garden tools? Yes, SW Trails is interested in co-locating tools and discussion with Watershed Resource Center about placing some tools in shared library (concern about availability for projects)
- Virginia had interest in workshops for women, and also mentioned she could look into grants
11/15/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Posted diagram of Bertha Viaduct layout with 1 container and 3 pull through spaces to support vehicles with trailers.
- Pursuing multiple options for insurance. Missed deadline for Civic Life sponsored insurance, but made aware of additional funds available.
10/25/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Julie, William, Stacy
- Next month's meeting is on the 3rd Tuesday due to holidays.
- No calls returned from Dan Ryan's office on the Sears Building nor PP&R.
- Will move forward with requirements from PBOT for use of Bertha Viaduct area: insurance and a sketch with measurements for layout of container and parking.
- Jason and Dennis have surveyed the site for the PBOT diagram.
8/23/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Changing near-term meeting cadence to every 2 months.
- Call PPS about Smith School parking lot.
- Will post next meeting time on Nextdoor.
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R which should be back in the office.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
- Watershed tool shed has moved to fenced location at the MAC building, inquire with PP&R contact for options.
6/21/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R which should be back in the office.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
- Watershed tool shed has moved to fenced location at the MAC building, inquire with PP&R contact for options.
5/24/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R which should be back in the office.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
- Commercial location partnership, tried A-Boy but open to discussion with other businesses, likely with a parking lot.
- Email Erik Horngren to inquire about PP&R contact for MAC parking lot alongside Watershed, SW of basketball court.
3/22/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Did not hear back from A-Boy, but Andrea did get word that the Latvian Center would not be a possibility in the near term.
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R which should be back in the office soon.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
- While we still have an April meeting on the calendar, if we have not received any feedback, that meeting will be cancelled and we meet instead in May.
2/22/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Andrea received a response back that the JCC couldn't host the tool library.
- Andrea also had a contact at A-Boy, that Jason called to discuss possibly hosting a container at their site. They will discuss that option.
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
1/25/2022 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Andrea will try to contact the JCC about possible space in the parking lot, may be an issue with Saturday use (but could shift to Sunday?).
- Jason still needs to call Tri-Met about the Barbur Transit Center location, as well as pick up new contact with PP&R.
- Jason will contact Commissioner Dan Ryan's office about plans for the Safe Rest Village at the Sears Building.
11/23/2021 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB
- No response from Tri-Met on Barbur Transit Center. They may be hoping for revival of the SW Corridor line or at least town center plan updates.
- Sears Building will become Safe Rest Village camp, so off the location list for the near term.
- No meeting in December, will pick back up with calls to officials in January. It is also clear we need to reconnect with non-government entities.
10/26/2021 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB
- Virtual meeting with Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran and staff. Presented vision and benefits of a tool library, asked about container placement at Capitol Hill Library or if Multnomah County was interested in starting their own library of things.
- Shipping container prices have risen due to the shipping backlog, but still a viable option if needed.
- Need to reconnect with either a new contact in Commissioner Rubio's office, or with someone in PP&R to ask again about Gabriel Park.
- Unlikely to hear back from Ted Wheeler's office, may need to look for contact directly with OMF to discuss Sears building/property.
- No response from TriMet on Barbur Transit Center, but may also be worth calling "concessions" directly.
- Due to further Covid developments, next several meetings will be hosted online via Zoom, and no meeting in December.
9/21/2021 Zoom Online Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Mail from Commissioner Rubio's office agreeing to meeting, but no date set yet. Jason will call back.
- Reviewed presentation for October 5th meeting with Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran.
- Did not hear back from Ted Wheeler's office, Jason will try alternate contact method prior to the next meeting.
- Due to further Covid developments, next several meetings will be hosted online via Zoom.
8/24/2021 Gabriel Park Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Mail from Commissioner Rubio's office agreeing to meeting, but no date set yet. Jason will call back.
- Meeting requested with Mayor Ted Wheeler, but indication that would be more than a month out.
- Jason will contact Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran about introduction meeting and possibility of county involvement on hosting locations.
- Due to further Covid developments, next meeting will return to online Zoom hosted.
7/20/2021 Gabriel Park Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis
- Reviewed previously proposed locations in Gabriel Park. Location south of the restrooms now dug up for plumbing, but possible to push location further south
- Jason contacted Commissioner Rubio's Office, no return calls so far
- Jason will contact Ted Wheeler's office as well, as other tool libraries are in buildings under his departments
- Dennis will look into writing a letter to express interest, and will suggest others do the same
- Next meeting will be in person at a picnic table at the north end of Gabriel Park
6/8/2021 Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Chuck
- Jason will contact Commissioner Rubio
- Next meeting will be in person at North picnic table of Gabriel Park
- It is also possible that more commercial real estate will be sitting idle for short to long-term due to shifts related to the pandemic.
4/27/2021 Zoom Meeting
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Shafer
- Will have at least a few more monthly meetings via Zoom, and don't expect the library meeting rooms to open any time soon.
- No word back yet from PP&R on Gabriel Park, but still the best option.
- Don Baack had mentioned a 40' container by the JCC is now unused, which might be a good temporary tool library location.
- It is also possible that more commercial real estate will be sitting idle for short to long-term due to shifts related to the pandemic.
3/12/2020 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck
- Multnomah County Libraries have closed meeting rooms through at least April 11th. Unsure if we will be able to hold our next meeting, relocation is a possibility as well, if desired.
- Meeting on March 2nd with Portland Parks and Recreation contact was positive.
- We'll submit location suggestions for Gabriel Park as well as major discussion points for review by upper management.
- Temporary container on site may be an option during construction of a building.
- Draft financial sponsorship document provided by SW Trails. Jason will update and discuss before and at the SW Trails Meeting.
2/18/2020 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Kyle
- Jason still needs to connect with PBOT as well as Parks on the Gabriel Park option.
- Dennis confirmed that JCC and Robert Gray were not options, discussed Wilson site.
- Kyle checked with Lewis and Clark. They did not believe they had space, but would ask around.
- Draft financial sponsorship document provided by SW Trails. Jason will update and discuss before and at the SW Trails Meeting.
- Brief reminder to mention tool libraries to candidates running for office.
- We've had another inquiry from a resident wishing to donate tools.
1/21/2020 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Don, Kyle, Kourtney, Melana
- Portland Parks Dept. has a long-term permit arrangement with Southwest Watershed Resource Center for the building in Gabriel Park. They did not say no to our use (yet). Need to follow up on whether we can get a similar permit arrangement for Gabriel or a different (Hillsdale?) park.
- Financial sponsorship with SW Trails is moving to phase 2 discussions. Will exchange further paperwork with Glenn as needed.
- Don suggested having a meet and greet with Ted Wheeler where we could discuss the tool library project.
- Other discussions about briefing candidate Sam Adams on the project, possibly other candidates would pick supporting tool libraries up as a platform.
- SW Trails will have Adena Long the director of Portland Parks and Recreation on the February 8th hike and will mention the project.
- Don also noted Todd Lofgren as a possible Parks contact, and would pass along the name of the new Property and Business Development Manager.
- Discussed the Nebraska and Capitol Highway RoW space, Don suggested Jason contact Chris Warner about that space, and possibly other open spaces in SW (or downtown).
- Kyle indicated he would look for possible contacts at Lewis and Clark and PCC.
11/26/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis, Kyle, Kourtney, Melana
- St. Andrews reported that although they support the project, they could not host a container.
- Portland Parks Dept. has a long-term permit arrangement with Southwest Watershed Resource Center for the building in Gabriel Park. They did not say no to our use (yet). Need to follow up on whether we can get a similar permit arrangement for Gabriel or a different (Hillsdale?) park.
- Financial sponsorship with SW Trails is moving to phase 2 discussions. Will exchange further paperwork with Glenn as needed.
- Dennis also has a contact at both Robert Gray Middle School and JCC and will ask about locating a container on site.
- Kourtney suggested there may be a parks shed at Macleay as well to ask about.
- Discussion about industrial space, which if available should not be an issue for us. There are people circulating when lending, but otherwise the libraries end up largely as secure tool storage.
10/21/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis
- St. Andrews indicated their building management committee will not be able to meet until the end of October to discuss the proposal.
- Parks is apparently discussing a second shed/container at Gabriel Park, was copied on an email after our meeting.
- Met with Don and Glenn in the last month to discuss financial sponsorship by SW Trails, provided links to our current documents.
- Contacted individual at Hillsdale CC about possibly placing a shipping container, did not hear back.
- Separate email from Don suggested Robert Gray Middle School may be open to hosting a container, as they set one up for their own emergency purposes.
- Other location suggested was Capitol Highway/Nebraska RoW space owned by PBOT.
9/19/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Dennis
- Met for a half hour, as two of us needed to attend the SW Trails meeting next door.
- Waiting for a response from the Parks Department on placing a container at Gabriel Park
- St. Andrews indicated their building management committee will not be able to meet until the end of October to discuss the proposal.
- Don separately noted the mayor would give him the contact for management at the Sears building.
- Circle back with SW Trails on financial sponsorship. Don suggested we could discuss with Glen when he returns in October.
- Need to contact remaining locations suggested at the previous meeting.
8/20/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Shafer, Keturah
- Per Dennis, Jason contacted Eric at Watershed Resource Center, who in turn suggested Earl Straley as a contact at Parks for Gabriel Park. Earl responded that he would check with the property manager. Still likely to try Nick Fish's office, as other SW parks are worth discussing as well.
- Don mailed separately that he was meeting with the mayor on a different topic and would ask about the Sears building.
- Keturah mentioned St. Andrews as a possible location. Jason will follow up and also try another contact with Greater Portland Bible Church and JCC.
- Keturah mentioned another unusual possible location, River View Cemetery. Jason will call to see if they have interest.
- Lewis and Clark and PCC may be open to hosting a container (or have space) Jason will try to find a contact.
- The other large org we have not discussed possible options with is PPS. Smith School may be one option, if not Wilson or Robert Gray.
- Shafer has also suggested asking Trimet about the (assumedly) defunct Sharifs Coffee location at the Barbur Transit Center.
7/16/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Dennis, Matt
- Portland Christian Center was supportive of the project, but did not have space in their lot for a container.
- Dennis mentioned that Andrea had a contact at JCC. We've not talked with them yet about either existing space, or space for a container. As they have work going on in the practice field with tiny homes, they might consider hosting a container for tools.
- Matt mentioned he was working with the Parks department on a community garden in Hillsdale park. We'd like to follow up either at that level for a new structure or container in the area - or start with Nick Fish for other options - Gabriel Park or Fulton?
- Don had sent a mail indicating SWTrails was still discussing Fiscal Sponsorship Policy.
- Jason will follow up with SWNI to broaden access to other NAs, Hillsdale Farmers Market for table discussion, and discuss container hosting with a couple commercial properties.
6/25/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, Don
- Don provided contact info for Portland Christian Center, Jason will follow up
- Don will call retired OMF employee to see if there is a good current contact at the bureau for property management (Sears building), if not, we'll start with the Mayor's office.
6/10/2019 Meeting with Commissioner Hardesty
- Discussed SW Tool Library Project
- We indicated interest in future of the Sears Building, may not be used by PBEM for West Side ECC due to structural issues
- There will be a follow-up after more is known about the future of the building (and the option of placing a container on the property).
- Per Derek Bradley we next need to contact the Office of Management and Finance.
5/21/2019 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck
- Jason assembled a brief business plan out of existing suggestions (committing to Tuesday 6-8pm as the second availability window). Chuck has forwarded it to West Portland UMC where the leadership team will review.
- Discussed offer Don forwarded for container space hosting at Portland Christian Center. Familiar with that location, Jason will try to swing by the lower lot at WP-UMC this coming weekend. Delivery logistics on 20' container require 60' length and 16' vertical clearance at the site.
- Chuck had been looking into tool libraries in containers, including building a permanent structure around them, such as South King in Federal Way
- Briefly discussed progress on financial sponsorship (no SW Trails meeting this month) still under consideration.
- In discussions with the city on the Sears Building we'd like to have a tour if possible. Scanning the 2019-2020 proposed budget, no additional money was proposed for either the building (ADA needs) or even for PBEM. The hire of Mike Myers looks promising, and it would be great to have him in the discussion as well.
4/23/2019 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: Chuck
- Unfortunately almost all could not make this one
- Chuck noted West Portland UM church offered space for a container, pending proposal and detailed business model
4/1/2019 All Portland Tool Libraries Meeting at NEPTL
- Attending: JasonB, Chuck, reps from NEPTL/SEPTL/NPTL/Eugene/Clackamas Library of Things
- Volunteers for covering shifts a challenge
- Offer incentives like gift certificates and recognition
- Notify new members of option to volunteer with checkbox on membership form
- If not enough volunteers to open, usually get some new volunteers the next week
- NEPTL has donations of pizza and baked goods from local businesses
- Community service may help match volunteers with tool libraries
- Tool Librarian is management (checkout/inventory) software in use by most Portland tool libraries, updated as needed by developer at SEPTL
- Workshops - No direct tool instruction, at least by board, due to insurance requirement
- Volunteers have presented on: insulation, lead abatement, drywall, tile
- Outreach for diverse board difficult
- Day labor group https://portlandvoz.org/ looking to set up a tool library
- Tools
- Twice a month repair session, helpful to have one night session
- Inventory twice a year, would like to do more often - bar code scan option?
- Matt at Oneill's Tools has come on-site at NEPTL for a bit over hourly rate to give tool repair instruction
- Registering Rigid tools will give lifetime warranty even on cordless batteries
- Don't accept (or loan) donated "cheap" tools
- Inter-library message board possibility for tool exchange
- Interest in economy of scale purchase for all libraries at end of year for possible discount
- NEPTL would like to include representative tool photos in inventory as well as tool descriptions and replacement costs
- External storage of out-of-season tools
- NEPTL has a camera on cordless tool cabinet to help with theft
- No toilet snakes
- SEPTL pays no rent at their location, signed lease agreement
- Set up an All Portland Tool Library mailing list
- Annual membership fee common in tool libraries outside Portland
- Possibility of grants across libraries?
3/26/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library
- Attending: JasonB, Don, Dennis, Chuck
- Jason inquired with Public Storage on Barbur, and they explicitly forbid doing business out of the units, primarily due to circulation of "customers" however brief.
- Had not heard back from contacts for Neighborhood House and Greater Portland Bible Church.
- Jason and Chuck will attend the All Portland Tool Libraries meeting Monday at NEPTL.
- Jason updated the financial sponsorship and insurance supplemental with a view towards discussion at upcoming SW Trails meetings.
- Inquired with Hillsdale Library staff about the possibility of Multnomah County looking into Libraries of Things. Budget is not available for it, though there are discovery kits and a kid's makers space at the branch in Rockwood.
3/12/2019 Meeting at the Watershed
- Attending: JasonB, Don, Dennis, JasonH, Patrick
- Jason provided initial SW Trails financial sponsorship document to Don who will pass to Glenn for further discussions. Expect to revise and present final document in SW Trails meeting in the coming months.
- Additional discussion about locations for placing a shipping container (temporary) or construction of our own "shed".
- Don provided contact info for Neighborhood House and Greater Portland Bible Church, which JasonB will follow up on.
- JasonB will also stop by Public Storage on Barbur (they said no - per policy), and possibly StorQuest (though they did not seem to have direct outside access) to verify permissibility of use of their storage units.
- Patrick asked about space from the Parks Department at Fulton Park. It seems less likely we would be able to leverage that space without paying for it, but worth asking the next time we talk with anyone from the department.
- Hillsdale Library parking garage space is indeed tight, but we can ask when we meet there in two weeks.
- Jason will send Don agenda topics for meeting with Joanne Hardesty
- Hope to update the website with public documents and pictures from local tool libraries in the coming days.
2/19/2019 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW
- Attending: Jason, Dennis, Alex, Chuck and Alexis
- Further discussion on options to look at with the Sears building, no reason we couldn't use a shipping container (as SWTrails plans on) either here or elsewhere short/medium term (20' containers run ~$3K + transport). Set up a tent on tool loan days in front of it. Another vote for community/education space in the final Sears plan.
- Smith School suggested as a possibility, though it is not easy to get to. Would depend on PPS work to re-open (unknown).
- Alexis suggested additional churches (PDX Church) she would check on.
- Chuck would ask Vermont Hills United Methodist Church about space.
- Chuck agreed to be our second representative to the All Portland Tool Libraries meeting on April 1.
- Alexis has an extensive non-profit and grant writing process background, and we discussed what may and may not work for us.
- Discussed constructing our own outbuilding if a church is amenable to the project, but has open land instead of existing sheltered space (option, but not preferred and would have contract details to work out).
- Jason will continue to work on finance and city agenda documents
1/15/2019 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW
- Jason, Alex and Don discussed next steps
- The pub is a bit loud, so Jason will schedule February meeting at the Hillsdale Library - room reservation TBD
- Don will provide Jason contact at St. Luke's Church to follow up with
- Jason will put together Financial Sponsorship proposal to take to SW Trails meeting - discuss further in January, hope to have final document for February meeting
- Jason will put together proposal for discussion with Joanne Hardesty and Marshall Runkel on topic of use/timeline for Sears Building, as well as community DIY/information sessions
11/24/2018 tour of NPTL and discussion with Marci
- Oldest Portland tool library, October 2004
- Housed in basement of city-owned Historic Kenton Firehouse
- Fairly full shelves in ~15'x25' area with small workbench and external stair access
- Addition in out-building (~12'x18') holds large or heavy equipment like wheelbarrows and ladders
- Popular tools include tables saws and weed wackers
- Limited cordless tools due to cost and issues with retaining batteries and chargers
- Most tools are donated, Spring garage sales bring in $800-1000. Surplus tools are donated to tools4troops.org
- One paid staff, the rest are volunteers
- Higher late fees ($2-15) help pay for staffing
- Limited large-ticket loss, but has happened
- On-site-only inventory and checkout database, notes kept on problem returns
- Fairly busy at 10am and 1pm with returns and checkouts
- This is the slow season, with most activity in April through the Summer
- Use Oneill's Tools for servicing tools that cannot be repaired by volunteers, as $50/hr labor is cheaper than elsewhere
- Use Oregon Carbide for sharpening blades
10/20/2018 tour of Green Lents Tool Library
- Building owned by Portland Development Commission, pay no rent, just utilities
- Limited hours due to lack of volunteers
- Garage sale and fix-it pile - broken or surplus tools
- Need volunteers and people to fix tools, users contribute blades/consumables
- Heated block wall building with overhead door ~50'x50'
- Not overly busy on this Saturday morning
- Left contact info, looking for more history on PDC deal
10/14/2018 tour of NEPTL and discussion with Chris Hertel
- Very busy at 10am Saturday
- Received $10K grant at startup, originally in small garage
- $500/mo rent (including utils), next year ~$900/mo - hard to relocate
- Table saws and power miters most popular tools
- Electric mowers and spreaders in season, rototiller/mantis not in service
- Insurance doesn't allow gas/gas tools, annual insurance premium ~$902
- Board was spending most of time scheduling volunteers prior to recent 10hr/wk employee
- Stopped accepting most tool donations due to lack of space
- Used to have garage sale once a year and made $1-2K
- 2 tool fix-it days per month, mostly board but some volunteers
- Over 1/3 of church basement ~30'x40', with ramp access, added overhead fluorescent lights
- Cordless equipment stored in locked cabinet behind desk
10/8/2018 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW
Attendees (5):
Troy Brown and Julie Stewart had been members of NEPTL
Last SW effort failed due to high liability insurance cost
Julie knows contacts for https://www.facebook.com/SouthwestToolLibrary/
Discussed SWNI Gabriel Park tool loan charter
Name: SW Portland Tool Library
Allow: NW/S/Downtown Portland to also checkout tools
Also: unincorporated area to W of Portland if no issues with constraining
to Portland/Multnomah boundaries
Far SW Portland Tool Library (Julie) may overlap, but also serve suburb users
Locations discussed (Space is key to other decisions):
Woodworkers Guild - no per Denis Brown
Garden Home Rec Center - no per Julie
Lutheran church - Rex Bosse will inquire
Hillsdale CC - Jason Bergstrom will inquire
Sears Armory / NET - Jason will inquire
Safeway on BHH - this was a stretch, and no current plan to follow up
Saturday and one other weeknight
Would be nice to have longer Friday night to Sunday opening, but needs volunteers
501c(3) setup:
Noted that prior to the meeting Don Baack offered possible temporary use
of the SW Trails org (pending proposal/board approval) to bootstrap
SW Tools library (further discussion expected - Don could not make this
Rex may know a lawyer to review org setup
"suggested donation" for membership important to nonprofit status
Much of non-org costs will depend on space (insurance/utilities)
Grants to bootstrap were not sought for other Portland libraries, but NPTL
did get grants to build a dedicated annex
Discussion on options, handy to make some available, but need to set cost
Cheap safety gear (glasses, masks, gloves?)
Poll for tools - Jason to review options
Sponsors (possible):
Parr Lumber
Other (non-tool) businesses (Lucky Lab?)
Julie asked Orchard Supply Hardware about donations (no)
http://www.toollibrarian.com/ share portion of $71 hosting cost, Jason has
longer term concerns about software maintenance
No tool reservations in the software
Rex mentioned Seattle allows 2hr reservations
Southwest Connection
Farmer's Market
Julie will forward list of users in SW proposed area
Call with Robert Bowles of NEPTL board:
Will send us insurance info and bylaws
Only became stand-alone 501c(3) in recent year, originally sponsored by
neighborhood association and under insurance of host (church)
Current board size is 10-12, started with 7-8. Working board (NPTL is not)
Budget is fuzzy: rent, 10hr/wk employee, annual filings and insurance
15K estimated over lifetime of library, mostly in membership donations/late fees
Sponsors not significant contributions (Parr at-cost tools)
Initially had volunteers commit to 1 shift per month for a year
Volunteer experience varies, some have no tool experience
The 10hr a week employee is responsible for finding volunteers
The Portland Tool libraries meet up once per year
Consumables - limited, suggested donation of $1, but saw would have a blade
No interest in inter-library tool exchange, because of recovery challenges
Limited tool loss, more commonly broken
Accept volunteers from outside of area
Green Lents has a lease in a city-owned building
Indicated that NET is interested in having access (keys) to tool libraries
Robert would come to a future meeting for discussions