2/25/2025 Meeting at the Watershed

1/28/2025 Meeting at the Watershed

11/26/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

10/29/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

9/24/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

8/27/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

7/30/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

6/25/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

5/28/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

4/30/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

3/26/2024 Meeting at the Watershed

2/27/2024 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

1/23/2024 Zoom Meeting

11/28/2023 Zoom Meeting

10/24/2023 Lucky Lab SW / Zoom Meeting

9/26/2023 Lucky Lab SW / Zoom Meeting

8/22/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

7/25/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

6/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

5/23/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

4/25/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

3/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

2/21/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

1/24/2023 Zoom Online Meeting

12/13/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

11/15/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

10/25/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

8/23/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

6/21/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

5/24/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

3/22/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

2/22/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

1/25/2022 Zoom Online Meeting

11/23/2021 Zoom Online Meeting

10/26/2021 Zoom Online Meeting

9/21/2021 Zoom Online Meeting

8/24/2021 Gabriel Park Meeting

7/20/2021 Gabriel Park Meeting

6/8/2021 Zoom Meeting

4/27/2021 Zoom Meeting

3/12/2020 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

2/18/2020 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library

1/21/2020 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

11/26/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

10/21/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library

9/19/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

8/20/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library

7/16/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

6/25/2019 Meeting at the Capitol Hill Library

6/10/2019 Meeting with Commissioner Hardesty

5/21/2019 Meeting at the Watershed

4/23/2019 Meeting at the Watershed

4/1/2019 All Portland Tool Libraries Meeting at NEPTL

3/26/2019 Meeting at the Hillsdale Library

3/12/2019 Meeting at the Watershed

2/19/2019 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW

1/15/2019 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW

11/24/2018 tour of NPTL and discussion with Marci

10/20/2018 tour of Green Lents Tool Library

10/14/2018 tour of NEPTL and discussion with Chris Hertel

10/8/2018 Meeting at Lucky Lab SW

Attendees (5):
 Troy Brown and Julie Stewart had been members of NEPTL
 Last SW effort failed due to high liability insurance cost
 Julie knows contacts for https://www.facebook.com/SouthwestToolLibrary/
 Discussed SWNI Gabriel Park tool loan charter

 Name: SW Portland Tool Library
 Allow: NW/S/Downtown Portland to also checkout tools
 Also: unincorporated area to W of Portland if no issues with constraining
  to Portland/Multnomah boundaries
 Far SW Portland Tool Library (Julie) may overlap, but also serve suburb users

Locations discussed (Space is key to other decisions):
 Woodworkers Guild - no per Denis Brown
 Garden Home Rec Center - no per Julie
 Lutheran church - Rex Bosse will inquire
 Hillsdale CC - Jason Bergstrom will inquire
 Sears Armory / NET - Jason will inquire
 Safeway on BHH - this was a stretch, and no current plan to follow up

 Saturday and one other weeknight
 Would be nice to have longer Friday night to Sunday opening, but needs volunteers

501c(3) setup:
 Noted that prior to the meeting Don Baack offered possible temporary use
  of the SW Trails org (pending proposal/board approval) to bootstrap
  SW Tools library (further discussion expected - Don could not make this
 Rex may know a lawyer to review org setup

 "suggested donation" for membership important to nonprofit status
 Much of non-org costs will depend on space (insurance/utilities)
 Grants to bootstrap were not sought for other Portland libraries, but NPTL
  did get grants to build a dedicated annex

 Discussion on options, handy to make some available, but need to set cost
 Cheap safety gear (glasses, masks, gloves?)

Poll for tools - Jason to review options

Sponsors (possible):
 Parr Lumber
 Other (non-tool) businesses (Lucky Lab?)
 Julie asked Orchard Supply Hardware about donations (no)

 http://www.toollibrarian.com/ share portion of $71 hosting cost, Jason has
 longer term concerns about software maintenance 
  No tool reservations in the software
  Rex mentioned Seattle allows 2hr reservations

 Southwest Connection
 Farmer's Market
 Julie will forward list of users in SW proposed area

Call with Robert Bowles of NEPTL board:
Will send us insurance info and bylaws
Only became stand-alone 501c(3) in recent year, originally sponsored by
neighborhood association and under insurance of host (church)
Current board size is 10-12, started with 7-8. Working board (NPTL is not)
Budget is fuzzy: rent, 10hr/wk employee, annual filings and insurance
15K estimated over lifetime of library, mostly in membership donations/late fees
Sponsors not significant contributions (Parr at-cost tools)
Initially had volunteers commit to 1 shift per month for a year
Volunteer experience varies, some have no tool experience
The 10hr a week employee is responsible for finding volunteers
The Portland Tool libraries meet up once per year
Consumables - limited, suggested donation of $1, but saw would have a blade
No interest in inter-library tool exchange, because of recovery challenges
Limited tool loss, more commonly broken
Accept volunteers from outside of area
Green Lents has a lease in a city-owned building
Indicated that NET is interested in having access (keys) to tool libraries
Robert would come to a future meeting for discussions